Economics Framework

Assets & Resources Summary

In Mirror World, we have several different types of in-game assets and resources, which are Token, Mirror NFT, Battle Pass, Energy, Equipment, Item, Loot box, and Trophy.

These resources and assets play an important role in Mirror World's game ecosystem, and some resources exist across games. We summarize all the access to these assets and resources and the usage of these assets.

Assets&Resources Type
How to get
How to use

MWM Token

Mirrama and Brawl of Mirror

In-game mode

In-game utility value (character and equipment development) and governance rights

Mirror NFT

Mirrama and Brawl of Mirror


To enter to the Mirror World and gain corresponding rewards


Mirrama and Brawl of Mirror

Refresh in a certain time

To participate in common game mode



In-game mode

To have a better game performance

Mirrma Battle Pass


In-game Activities

To participate in specific game mode

Brawl of Mirror Battle Pass

Brawl of Mirror

In-game Activities

To participate in specific game mode

Item: Skill Power-ups

Brawl of Mirror

In-game mode

To develop skills

Item: Class Power-ups

Brawl of Mirror

In-game mode

To develop character

Item: Skill Creators

Brawl of Mirror

In-game mode

To develop skills

Loot Box

Brawl of Mirror

In-game mode

To gain items


Brawl of Mirror

In-game mode

To purchase loot box

Mirrama Economics

Rewards = Daily Quests + Dungeon Mode Rewards(PVP)

  • Daily Quests: A Flexible Rewards for users, including one-time rewards for story mode

  • Dungeon Mode Rewards: weekly rewards and Season rewards

Expectations of Total Rewards

= Expectation of Daily Quests Rewards + Expectation of Dungeon Mode Rewards

= The Number of Quests Finished * Rewards+ Probability of Sucess in Dungeon * Rewards

Probability of Success = f(player skill, equipment level & rarity, character level & rarity, AI level, super level, number of PVP participants)

Brawl of Mirror Economics

Brawl of Mirror Economics

Rewards = Daily Quests + PVP Mode

Expectation of Total Rewards

= Expectation of Daily Quests Rewards + Expectation of PVP Mode Rewards

= The Number of Quests Finished * Rewards+ Probability of Sucess in PVP * Rewards

Probability of Success = f(player skill, character level & rarity, skill, number of PVP participants)


To be continued

Unstable Brain

To be contined

Last updated