Rental System (WIP)



Rental systems are essential to onboard new users into our ecosystem to lower the complexity of the onboarding process. We will offer In-app rental systems that allow for a much lower barrier to entry. Mirror World will allow easy in-game access through our rental system. Games will start as soon as leasers are matched.

There will be an upward limit on the number of assets scholars can rent at the same time.


We also realize that gaming guilds will be important parts of our ecosystem, having collaborated with more than 20 guilds from our project inception, we want to serve our guild partners with rigor. Therefore, at stages our game, we will be rolling out features specifically for guilds including batch processing, profit-sharing contracts, as well as Dashboards.


Scholars will be able to log into the games via email and password provided by the managers.

There will be an upward limit on the number of assets scholars can rent at the same time.


Note: these features will be released with controlled pacing so we can stabilize the economy

Mirror World will provide rental systems with the following functionalities:

  1. Dashboards

  2. Batch Processes

  3. Profit-sharing

  4. In-App Wallet

  5. Credit System

Last updated